More Fespa: How much will this job cost EXACTLY?

Posted by Marco on Jun 16, 2009 in Misc

Printers are hurting all right. It’s a tough market and everyone is cutting costs. This solution called FLOW+ can help you calculate the costs. Imagine being able to calculate exactly what each print-job will cost you. You no longer have to take an ‘educated guess’. Once you set up FLOW+ the costs of every step of the printing process will be completely transparent: From fluctuating paper-prices, the ink-usage at different ICC-profiles, setting up the printing-press, the time it will take to package and even delivering the final job. It’s easy to change a few variables and see how your profit (or loss!) grows. FLOW+ can even take into account the time and paper it takes to get your press set correctly for each job or calculate in advance at what circulation a specific job will become profitable. FLOW+ is browser-based and runs on both Mac and Windows. It’s a product of Caldera and their RIP Software like VisualRIP+ is excellent as well. VisualRIP+ supports HotFolders, Drag ‘n Drop, Nest-O-Matic, Step and Repeat, Spotcolors, ICC and ‘Tiling (automatically cutting up big format jobs) and white ink printers.

Hits: 1768 Comments: 1


  1. McJohn | June 16, 2009 | 18:37 CET

    We currently run the Cheetah RIP from Dice America, but this is old-dated and the company is bankrupt. We have seen the Caledera RIP working on the Durst Rho 1000 (a very impressive machine), and we were impressed. There is much more handling regarding ICC colormanagement and it in contrary to the Cheetah RIP, totally able in ripping PDF files!

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