ISO 12647 certified printers in the Netherlands update

Posted by Marco on Nov 11, 2009 in ICC

ISO 12647 is a big deal. Why? Well, quality printing is nice, but constant quality is even better! You can be sure about the quality of the printed result if you decide to select printers that are ISO 12647 certified. It’s not just ‘a piece of paper’. I asked mr. Gianotten to write a short summary of what it means to be an ISO 12647 certified printer. Here’s what he told me:

“Printers that work according to the international printing standard (as documented in ISO 12647) can print with predictable results. They can also make sure there are minimal color-shifts between the soft- and hardproof and the final printed result. Certified printers have documented proof they control the entire printing process from start to finish and their company complies with the PSO (Process Standards Offset). Furthermore: all certified company’s are required to send in control-specimens each year. These printed control-specimens are measured and checked by two separate testing-organizations in order to make sure the quality remains constant”.

Here is the updated list of all ISO 127647 Certified printers as of today:

ISO 12647 certified companies in the Netherlands
1. AGI Van de Steeg, Enschedé PP/SO Fogra
2. Drukkerij de Bink, Leiden PP/SO SCGM
3. Koninklijke Broese & Peerenboom, Breda PP/SO SCGM
4. Damen, Werkendam PP/SO SCGM
5. Deltahage, Den Haag PP/SO SCGM
6. Edge Pre Media, Weesp PP SCGM
7. Johan Enschedé, Amsterdam PP/SO Fogra
8. Ten Brink en HooibergHaasbeek, Meppel PP/SO SCGM
9. Drukkerij Gianotten, Tilburg PP/SO SCGM
10. Koninklijke van Gorcum, Assen PP/SO SCGM
11. Graféno, Rotterdam PP/SO SCGM
12. Gravo Offset, Purmerend SO SCGM
13. Van Grinsven, Venlo SO SCGM
14. De Groot, Goudriaan PP/SO SCGM
15. Hoekstra Boom, Emmeloord PP/CO WAN‐IFRA
16. Ipskamp Drukkers, Enschede SO SCGM
17. Libertas, Bunnik PP/SO SCGM
18. Lithorade Packaging, Uden PP/SO SCGM
19. Mouthaan, Papendrecht SO SCGM
20. Nauta en Haagen, Oss PP SCGM
21. Opmeer, Den Haag PP/SO SCGM
22. Proof Partners, Rotterdam PP SCGM
23. Roto Smeets Grafiservices, Eindhoven PP/SO SCGM
24. Roto Smeets Grafiservices, Utrecht PP/SO SCGM
25. Roto Smeets, Utrecht PP/HO SCGM
26. Roto Smeets, Weert PP/HO SCGM
27. Schefferdrukkerij, Dordrecht PP/SO SCGM
28. Scholma Druk, Bedum PP/SO SCGM
21. Senefelder Misset (RS), Doetinchem PP/SO/HO SCGM
30. Smurfit Kappa Zedek, Deventer PP/SO Fogra
31. TDS Printmaildata, Schiedam PP/SO Ugra
32. Thieme, Almere PP/SO Ugra
33. Thieme, Amsterdam PP/SO Ugra
34. Thieme, Deventer PP/SO Ugra
35. Thieme MediaCenter, Rotterdam PP/SO Ugra
36. Thieme MediaCenter, Zwolle PP/SO Ugra
37. Hub Tonnaer, Kelpen‐Oler (Weert) SO SCGM
38. Tuijtel, Hardinxveld‐Giessendam PP/SO SCGM
39. Drukkerij Veenman, Rotterdam PP/SO Ugra
40. VOB, Hardenberg SO SCGM
41. Wifac KBA showroom, Mijdrecht PP/SO SCGM
42. Wilco, Amersfoort PP/SO SCGM
43. Zalsman, Groningen PP/SO SCGM
44. Zwaan Printmedia, Wormerveer PP/SO SCGM

PP = Prepress/lithography (38 x), SO = Sheetfed Offset (35 x), HO = Heatset Offset (3 x), CO = Coldset web (1 x), Total 78 certificates. RS = Roto Smeets ∙ TG = Thieme Group. Certifications from: SCGM (32 companies), Ugra (7 printers), Fogra (3 packaging printers) and IFRA (1 newspaper) ∙ July 14 2009 ∙ List provided by Henk Gianotten.

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  1. Henk Gianotten | January 20, 2010 | 11:53 CET

    There is even an update from January 15: Printing company Fenenga located in the Frisian town Franeker got the ISO 12647-2 certificate from the SCGM (Dutch association of graphic arts certifications).

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