All MacMojo Articles have been moved

Posted by Marco on Sep 14, 2009 in DE

This Digital-Engineer website evolved from the Dutch website called MacMojo. That site has been around roughly six years. Within a few weeks this MacMojo domain (containing about 300+ articles, book-reviews and PDF-samples) will be terminated. It would be a shame to just delete this content so it has been moved behind the Digital-Engineer domain in it’s own directory. The links to other articles still work, but all hosted files have been deleted. Check it out right here.
In several of the articles on MacMojo I discussed Aad Metz’s latest InDesign book ‘Leer jezelf profesioneel InDesign’. Because the link to the sample file no longer works Aad has been kind enough to host the PDF-sample file of the book on his own server. Feel free to download this PDF right here.

Hits: 2199 Comments: 2


  1. DTP2 | September 17, 2009 | 18:34 CET

    Hi Marco,

    Glad to hear all the old articles being preserved and “home with daddy” again. Wrote a little piece on my website and hope to inform even more people where your great resource Macmojo has been moved to.

  2. Marco | September 18, 2009 | 10:31 CET

    Hi DTP2! And a new English part as well? Let’s email and combine RSS!

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