Printers are hurting all right. It’s a tough market and everyone is cutting costs. This solution called FLOW+ can help you calculate the costs. Imagine being able to calculate exactly what each print-job will cost you. You no longer have to take an ‘educated guess’. Once you set up FLOW+ the costs of every step of the printing process will be completely transparent: From fluctuating paper-prices, the ink-usage at different ICC-profiles, setting up the printing-press, the time it will take to package and even delivering the final job. It’s easy to change a few variables and see how your profit (or loss!) grows. FLOW+ can even take into account the time and paper it takes to get your press set correctly for each job or calculate in advance at what circulation a specific job will become profitable. FLOW+ is browser-based and runs on both Mac and Windows. It’s a product of Caldera and their RIP Software like VisualRIP+ is excellent as well. VisualRIP+ supports HotFolders, Drag ‘n Drop, Nest-O-Matic, Step and Repeat, Spotcolors, ICC and ‘Tiling (automatically cutting up big format jobs) and white ink printers.